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Archer Page 12

  It was all so normal and wonderful.

  His gaze softened and he kissed her. “I think we broke records there, baby. Fastest sex ever.”

  A small giggle bubbled forth, and she buried her face in his shoulder to muffle her laughter. He rolled to the side, taking her with him, and she laughed until tears formed in her eyes. The sound carefree and light even to her own ears.

  “No. That was the hottest, best sex ever.” She propped her head on her hand. “I could get used to this.”

  “Yeah?” He heaved himself off the floor and held out his hand. “Be good, and I might be able to give you a repeat performance after I get some work done.”

  She stilled putting on her shirt. “Work?”

  “Got some things to check out.” He grabbed his clothes and dressed.

  “Can’t it wait?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Sorry, baby. I’ll hurry and then we’ll spend the rest of the evening together.”

  He moved over and kissed her. She grabbed his shirt, holding him in place. His hands gently removed hers before he brought them to his mouth, kissed each palm, and then turned and walked toward the hallway.

  “Wait.” She shoved her arms in her T-shirt and hurried to follow. “I’ll help.”

  “I got this covered.” He brushed the hair out of her eyes. “Give me an hour. Why don’t you watch a movie or call Sabrina?”

  She grabbed his wrist. “Tell me what you’re doing.”

  “I said I got it covered.” He leaned down and laid his lips on her forehead, dismissing her.

  “Kage…” She planted her fists on her hips.

  “Don’t get in a snit—”

  “Snit?” she whispered. “You jerk. You promised me you’d let me help.”

  Her body vibrated with anger. She hated when Kage shut her out of what was going on, especially since it concerned her.

  “Baby,” he said, reaching for her.

  She held out her hand. “Don’t come any closer.”

  He stopped, not saying a word.

  “You can’t do this.” She pulled in a breath, but couldn’t seem to gather enough air to fill her lungs. “I won’t put up with it.”

  “Put up with what?” Kage asked.

  “That!” She pointed at him. “You placing me in a bubble, telling me I can help but keeping me out of the loop. Now you’re going to work on how to find Scott, and because you think I’ll crack, you’re protecting me. If you’re going to leave me, the least you can do is give me back my gun.”

  “No gun.”

  “That’s not your decision to make, Kage. You’re not my boyfriend. I’m not anything to—”

  He crossed the room in three strides and held her arms to her sides. “You’re everything, don’t you know? What do you think it means when I put you in my bed? When I put you in my home? When I go to sleep at night with you by my side?”

  She crossed her arms. “I don’t know.”

  “You are the person I want to see before I go to bed, want to wake up to every morning. I love the feel of you in my arms. I’ve been deep inside your body, tasted you on my tongue, and I’ll continue doing the same thing every day until you realize I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere.” He paused, closing his eyes for a split second before focusing on her. “I know we’re going fast, so please tell me if this isn’t what you want. Always remember, when you’re around me, you can voice your thoughts. You can have an opinion. You have the right to walk away from me.”

  She frowned. That’s not what she wanted, even though he’d made her mad. She liked feeling safe with him more.

  His fingers loosened and he rubbed her arms. “That doesn’t mean I’ll let you walk into danger. When I know more, you’ll know. Trust me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t get this kind of relationship. Everything you do confuses me.”

  He brought her closer and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m not Carson.”

  “I know that,” she muttered.

  “Do you remember me telling you that I was going to call you Janie until you remembered what it was like before you were scared to be yourself, to rely on other people?”

  “It’s impossible to forget how much I’ve changed. It seems easier to believe that person is gone.”

  “Is she?” He chuckled. “Hell, who was that woman who called me a jerk a second ago?”

  Her heart raced. “I fought with you.”

  “Yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “You did.”

  She stared up at him. “You did it on purpose.”

  “No, I need to make a phone call. Though I’m glad you’re back to standing up for yourself.” His gaze heated and he stepped around her. “If I learn anything, I promise you’ll be the first to know. If not, you’ll have to trust me that I know what’s best for you. Afterward, I’ll do my best at helping you get over your anger.” He smiled that sexy, mischievous smile and she knew exactly what he had in mind.

  “You’re really not going to let me hear what’s going on?”

  He paused in the hallway and gazed at her. “You want me to kiss you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He smiled a full hundred-watt smile. “Then let me get to work, so I can come and find your ass in my bed, baby.”

  Kage walked away from her without looking back. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. He was up to something.

  He’d held up to his promise and kept her informed on what the boys found out at the agency—which was nothing new. Scott wasn’t even the man she was led to believe. She had no idea of his real name or where he came from. It was like he created a whole new life when he’d met her on campus. She’d fallen for his pretty words and smooth moves.

  She crept to the entrance of the hallway and peeked down it. The bedroom door was shut, so she tiptoed all the way down and pressed her ear against the door. For several minutes the only thing she heard was silence in the room. Then Kage’s voice drifted to her.

  “I’m calling in a favor,” he said.

  She raised her hands and laid her palms on the wood. Her heart raced, making it hard to hear.

  “Right.” He paused. “No, nobody knows I’ve talked with you, and I’ll be coming alone.”

  She pulled away and walked back to the living room. Determined not to let Kage know she overheard part of his conversation, she pulled the pans out of the cabinet and slammed them on the counter. If he thought he’d sneak away and deal with Scott by himself, he was crazy. She wasn’t going to let him leave her sight.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The sound of Kage’s cell phone ringing broke him out of his sleep. Jane lay asleep on his arm, and he reached over with his other hand to snag the phone off the nightstand without waking her. He came wide awake at seeing the blocked sender alert.

  “Yeah?” he said.

  “One hour. 1746 Elm Street. Back door’s open.” Click.

  His muscles tightened. He’d expected to travel to meet Darrell, not have him show up in Bay City. He tossed the phone, rolled toward Jane, and kissed her softly. “Wake up, baby.”

  She squirmed deeper against him. His body hardened at the warmth radiating off her, and he pushed the idea of staying home and enjoying her out of his mind. The meeting with Darrell hopefully meant an end to Jane’s nightmare.

  He pulled the blanket off them and sat up. “Come on, we have to go.”

  “Sleepy,” she mumbled, turning to her stomach.

  He crossed the room in the dark and turned on the lights. The sun wasn’t even up yet. He knew his uncle would create a meeting to his advantage. What Darrell didn’t know was that Kage had expected no warning—the odd hour notice, and the secretive nature of the meeting—and had prepared ahead of time. He was ready.

  After using the bathroom, he slipped on his jeans and shirt, fastened his boots, and glanced at the bed. Jane, naked and uncovered, continued to sleep. Her round, firm ass tempted him to undress.

  He gave her a soft yet startlin
g slap on the very part of her body that teased him. “If you’re planning on going with me, you better get up. I’ve got business going down.”

  She jolted awake. “Now?”

  “Yes, now. Get a move on. You’ve got ten minutes to get dressed, or I’m calling the guys in to stay at the house with you.” He watched understanding sweep over her features, and he schooled his reaction. If Carson could see her now, he would be worried. His girl was out for blood.

  He was proud of her for staying strong. Scott hadn’t been able to break her spirit the way Kage had feared. It made him more determined to see this meeting through. She trusted and believed in him, and he wouldn’t disappoint her.

  She scrambled out of the bed. “I’m ready.”

  “Ten minutes.” He walked out of the room, slipping his holster into the holder at his ribs.

  If yesterday and last night had taught him anything, he knew better than to leave her alone in the house, even with one of the guys to protect her. Her confidence and drive to stand up for herself was coming back fast. A full-on Janie with attitude was not something he wanted to deal with today on top of the meeting.

  She’d walk all over Lance and Tony. All she had to do was soften her voice, and Garrett catered to her every wish. Kage would have to handle her himself. The fact that she cared enough about him she was willing to put herself in danger warmed him and made him more determined to keep her out of trouble.

  In the spare room, he opened the closet and removed the blanket covering the gun safe. He used his keys to unlock the door and removed a .380 and a buck knife, shoving two full clips into his back pocket. He raised his pant leg, put the pistol in the top of his boot, and slid the knife into the two-inch cutout on the outside of his ankle sheath. His jeans hid the handle from view.

  Kage stood and paused before closing the safe. His gaze went to the left side of the hutch where he’d stored his father’s weapons. His uncle had presented them to him when he was twenty-one, and along with the family heirlooms of guns, safes, and weaponry used in the drug trade, his uncle had offered him a job in the family business. He shut the door, locked the safe, and left the room.

  Digging through the past raised questions he refused to look at right now. What caused his uncle to turn his back on his own blood? What sort of pleasure put money over doing the right and decent thing? How could he live with himself after all the things he had done?

  His uncle was powerful enough to ruin Kage’s life with a snap of his fingers. Kage needed to focus on one thing at a time. First came Jane’s safety.

  Jane hopped on one foot, pulling her boot on. He waited in the hallway, watching her. She should never have to live wondering if her life was in danger or always looking behind her, afraid her world would turn bad.

  She grabbed her purse off the dresser. “I’m ready.”

  He couldn’t help grinning. She’d put on a pair of black jeans and a black long-sleeve T-shirt, and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Her effort to prove she was ready to take out Scott and not get caught was cute. The electric pink DIVA scrolled across her shirt announced to anyone who saw her of her amateur sniper status.

  “We’ll walk outside the same way we always do.” He caught himself ogling her breasts and looked away. “Stay at my side and be quiet. It’s dark out.”

  She walked with him to the front room. “What time is it?”

  “Three.” He removed his phone.

  “In the morning?” She shook her head and snorted. “I’m going to look like shit later.”

  “You’re always beautiful.” He kissed her softly. “Hang on a second. I need to call headquarters.”

  The phone rang once in his ear before Tony answered. “Yo.”

  “Hey. I’m moving.” Kage switched the phone to his other ear and turned his face away from Jane. “I’ve got company coming in with me.”

  “Bro…tell me she did not talk you into taking her.”

  He keyed off the alarm on the door. “No. We’ll be at the garage in fifteen. Notify the others.”

  “Sonofabitch.” Tony groaned. “It’s too early to deal with her.”

  Kage glanced at Jane, applying lipstick, a little round mirror held out in front of her. Fierceness to protect her came over him. He would not allow anyone to take her away from him again.

  “I’m out.” He disconnected the call, knowing Tony would have everything ready when they arrived.

  Kage moved toward Jane, wanting to tell her how much he admired her, and instead he kissed her. She gasped in pleasure, and he used the opportunity to taste her. He pulled away gently with soft kisses, gazing into her eyes.

  “Ready?” he said.

  “Yeah.” She moved to the couch, picked up Bluff, whispered in the cat’s ear before putting her back on the pillow, and returned to him. She nodded. “Let’s get him.”

  Kage fought a grin and opened the door. With Jane tucked to his side, his hands free, he surveyed the yard on the way to his car. He wouldn’t put it past his uncle to have men watching his every move, on top of worrying about Scott out there somewhere, biding his time to get Jane alone.

  Halfway to town, he caught Jane watching him. “What?”

  “You’re serious,” she said.

  “This is serious business.” He flipped on his signal, slowed down, and turned onto the main road leading into town.

  “What exactly are we doing?”

  He was meeting the man he hated more than anyone in the world, breaking all the rules he’d made for himself life. And he would end up owing his life to his uncle, all to save Jane’s. Letting the thought drop, he said, “A meeting with someone who can make Scott disappear from your life.”

  “Shit,” she whispered. “You mean kill him or send him to Siberia, right?”

  “Not my decision.” He shifted down. “I need to stop in at headquarters first.”

  Jane fell silent. He turned into the parking lot, went directly behind the garage, and parked in front of the agency door. Tony’s Camaro and Lance’s Harley were both in the lot. Garrett probably walked over from the house the moment he got the call.

  Before he could open his door and tell Jane to wait, she grabbed his arm. “This could be dangerous, huh?”

  He nodded.

  “Then maybe I need a gun. You know, so I can have your back,” she said.

  He kissed her hard and fast. “No gun.”

  “What if something happens to you? I could be your only hope of getting out of there safely,” she protested before flopping back onto her seat.

  He glanced at the clock on the dash and exited the vehicle. Time was running out. No one made his uncle wait without paying for the inconvenience later, including him. He could handle whatever Darrell dished out, but he had Jane to think about now.

  “Come on, baby.” He held out his hand and kept her by his side as they moved to the agency door.

  Lance opened the door. Kage nodded and led Jane down the hallway. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Garrett and Tony come out of headquarters and follow him.

  “I thought you had to go to the office?” Jane stopped and turned toward him.

  She missed Lance slipping behind her and opening the door on the left. Kage backed Jane into the room. “I’ll explain later.”

  Her gaze darted around the vacant holding room. “What are you doing?”

  “Keeping you safe.” He took two steps backward. “I’ll be back.”

  She looked behind him. “Garrett. Don’t let him—”

  He shut the door and faced Garrett. “Do not let her out or I’ll come after you.”

  “Hey!” She banged on the door. “Let me out of here. Kage! Don’t do this!”

  Tony caught Kage’s gaze. “Need backup?”

  He shook his head. “Stay here. I want all of you on guard. Don’t let her talk you into letting her out of your sight. Carson gets ahold of her, he’s not going to let her escape this time.”

  “Lance put a tracer on the Mustang.” Garrett clapped
him on the shoulder. “Don’t argue, or I’ll follow you underground.”

  Relief swept through him. Despite his bravery, knowing they knew his location if something happened made him feel better. “Thanks.”

  “Stay focused.” Garrett walked with him a few feet. “You better act fast, and get your ass back here. We’ve got your back from this end, so concentrate on getting the information you need. From this side, nobody will know if you keep low and stay out of trouble.”

  “Just watch out for Janie,” Kage said.

  Without waiting for a reply, he strode to the exit. It was time to meet his uncle and handle business. He pushed Jane out of his mind. He had to stay focused, get the job done, and come back to the guys and Jane with his name clean. Hopefully, Jane would forgive him for leaving her and realize it was his only choice. He couldn’t put her in further danger.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jane couldn’t believe Kage left her. She fisted her hands at her sides to keep from hitting something. He’d led her to believe he was okay with her helping, and then he dropped her off without a second thought.

  What if he got hurt? Who would be there to help him? What if he died and never came back?

  Jane kicked the door again and a jolt of pain traveled through her big toe. She grimaced and limped to the bed against the far wall. He was supposed to take her to the mysterious meeting, so she’d have a hand in what happened to Scott.

  It was her fight, not his. She grabbed the chair, tried to heave it, and cried out in pain when it didn’t move an inch. “Real freaking stupid, you dumbasses,” she screamed. “Let me out of here. Kage needs me.”

  “Sis?” Garrett’s voice filled the room. “Calm down. You’re in the holding room for a reason. It’s the safest place you can be right now.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.” She searched the ceiling, the walls, looking for the intercom. “Unlock the door now or I swear, when I get out of here—”

  “It’s for your own good,” Garrett said.

  “I can’t believe this.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “Since when do you listen to Kage? Hm? Aren’t you the boss?”