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She nodded, letting the gun fall from her fingers and extracting her hand from her purse. “Let me down.”
“Explain why you were fighting me.” His hold remained tight, and his broad chest left her no wiggle room.
“You scared me. I thought I was alone.” She jerked, but he wasn’t letting go. “Have you ever heard of letting someone know you’re in the room? You’re worse than Garrett, always sneaking up on people and scaring them half to death. You should make a little noise when you walk.”
He inhaled deeply. “My job is about not announcing my arrival.”
Of course. All the guys who worked at the garage were private investigators who used the shop as their headquarters, preferring to detail and paint cars during their downtime.
“Now that we have that squared away, how about letting me go?” she said.
“Why do you come here at night instead of working during the day?”
“That’s none of your business.” She put all her strength into pulling away and felt his arms relax. He held onto her as her feet touched the ground again, letting her gain her balance. “Sheesh. Maybe I like solitude, and not putting up with your overbearing attitude.”
His face softened. “Janie…”
“It’s Jane.”
God, he was sexy. All the men who worked for her brother had reputations of being popular with the ladies. Seen together the four of them could cause an ovarian explosion. But Kage had it all.
Tall, broad shoulders, strong forearms, and a quiet presence, he was her ideal of the perfect man. His hair was the perfect shade of midnight. He kept it too long and looking like he’d crawled out of bed, raked his hands through it, and said screw it. It was a good look. A look she couldn’t help watching out the window during the day when he was working, and she couldn’t sleep.
A habit she tried to break, because the last thing she needed in her life was a crush, and certainly not on someone she’d watched while growing up and who had told her in no uncertain terms years ago that he wasn’t interested in her.
Sexually numb the last eighteen months, she hated yet loved the way her stomach fluttered at the sight of him. Her heart raced, not out of fear but excitement, and her nipples constricted in pleasure.
She sat behind the desk, putting distance between herself and Kage. “Aren’t the boys somewhere waiting for you?”
He continued to stare. She opened the drawer, nervous from the way he was looking at her. It was intense, and hot. It confused her. He should have no reason to be suspicious of why she’d come home. Garrett had promised to keep her secret.
Yet Kage looked at her the way any woman would want a man to pay attention. She glanced at him again. He was still staring.
Only four years younger than Kage, she had always reacted this way around him. Despite the fear Scott sparked in her, Kage was the only man she felt safe around or attracted to. She often wondered if he was the reason Scott forbade her to be around her family. Because when Kage was near, she had a hard time hiding her feelings. Even at the start of her relationship with Scott, when she was supposed to be madly in love, she couldn’t help wanting to go home and visit because Kage always showed up to see her.
And yet she felt like they were running in opposite directions. He’d gone away to college when she started high school, and then she’d left to go to college when Garrett and his friends came home and decided to go into business together. After her dad retired, her brother and his partners kept the garage open—though even retired, they could never get Dad out of the garage.
During those years, she’d stayed away, because she was too ashamed of the life she had for herself. She thought she could handle Scott on her own. She thought she could get away. But Scott always caught her.
“Talk to me.” Kage leaned against the desk.
She shuffled through the stack of papers. “There’s nothing to say. I have work to do.”
It’d take a month to explain her life. She’d fallen helplessly in love with Scott four years ago. At first, because she fell for his charm, she ignored the questions about where Scott got his money when he didn’t seem to hold a normal job. His tongue was more silver than the necklace she wore around her neck. Later she kept her questions to herself, for fear of knowing the truth. Denial remained her best friend. Then, a year ago, everything changed. Her dad died of a heart attack. She made it back for the funeral, but Scott arrived the next day. She and Garrett argued. He’d wanted her to stay, but she wouldn’t allow Scott to bring trouble down on her brother.
The funeral was the worst day of her life. She forced herself to walk away from the one place she felt safe. Her chest ached remembering. One man gave her courage to set her plan in action, and she’d never forget.
When she’d walked out to her car to leave, Kage had pulled her aside and handed her a slip of paper with his cell phone number on it. No words, no lecture; he just gave her the paper. She’d shoved it in her pocket without thanking him. She still had the paper hidden inside her wallet, wrapped in a receipt from the grocery store where no one would find it.
He’d never know how many times she’d pulled that piece of paper out and thought about calling. She wanted to call. God only knew she should have.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to work.” She squeezed his arm and stepped over to power on the computer before glancing at Kage again. “I’m serious, Kage. I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine.”
“Have you eaten today?”
“Yeah.” She leaned over, hiding behind her hair.
“I don’t know.” She rubbed her forehead. “A tuna sandwich at lunch, I think. Why don’t you go find Garrett and ask him if he’s eaten? He didn’t come in the house for lunch. Knowing him, he’s probably out grabbing dinner now. You could join him…maybe he’ll even foot the bill.”
His gaze hardened. “I’m not talking about Garrett. I’m talking about you. I want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
“I’m not hungry. You shouldn’t worry so much. Now, really, Kage, I need to work and I work better in silence.” She softened her voice. “We’ll catch up later and—”
“Janie?” he growled out.
“Jane.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not sixteen anymore. Nobody has called me that name since—”
His eyes warmed. “For someone who isn’t talking to me, you sure have a lot to say.”
“Fine. Silence starts now.” She pursed her lips.
“Good. It’ll be a nice quiet dinner for both of us,” he said. “Come on.”
She grabbed the mouse and clicked, willing the stupid computer to hurry up and load. “I need to work.”
“Bullshit.” He closed the space between them. “Let’s go. I’m buying you dinner and a drink.”
She pushed her rolling chair away from the desk, backing away from him, but he kept coming. She slapped his hand. “No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.” He widened his stance and pulled her out of the chair. “What’s happened to you? You’re not the Janie I remember.”
She rolled her eyes, then shook her head when he gave her a satisfied grin at seeing her reaction to his bossiness. But the woman who once laughed, joked, and had a stubborn streak to the point of being infuriating was gone.
“I’m serious, Kage. I have orders to input and bills to pay.” She planted her hands flat on his chest. His muscles hardened against her palms, and she curled her fingers before she caught herself reacting to him again and pushed. He didn’t move, but his gaze heated. Uh-oh.
“Please.” She let go of him, but he snapped his hands around her wrists and pulled her toward the door.
“How about we do that silence thing again, starting now?” He chuckled.
“I’m not going with you.” She dragged her feet. It wasn’t safe to go out in public when Scott could be out there looking for her. But it was apparent that when Kage wanted her to do something, she was going to do it. She gave it one more
attempt at the front door. “I can’t go with you. What about Bluff?”
“Who?” He stopped.
“M-my cat. Bluff.” She lifted her shoulder. “She’s in the garage. I can’t leave her in there.”
“You’ve got a cat?” He spoke low, humor in his voice.
“Yeah. Not that it’s any of your business.” She pulled one hand away from him, but he only slid his fingers between the fingers of her other hand and kept her at his side. “She stays in the house with me. She’ll be scared all by herself.”
He kicked the door closed, reached into his front pocket, and pulled out a key. “Well, she’s got a night in the garage to explore. I’m sure she’ll love it.” He locked the door. “It’s about time both of you started living the way you’re meant to live.”
She stalled at his car, a classic Mustang, black, with enough chrome to deplete her bank account. She changed tactics. She swung around and put her hands on his hard stomach.
He looked down. “Get in the fucking car, Jane.”
She pushed him, which didn’t make him move, but felt good nonetheless. Finally, she got in the car. “God, you are such a jerk.”
He leaned over, extended her seat belt, and whispered in her ear. “You’ll eat, you’ll drink, and you’ll enjoy yourself. Watch, you’ll see.”
His breath tickled her ear and caused an avalanche of warmth to fall low in her stomach. Her heart constricted. This was a weird feeling. One she’d had before with Scott and never experienced again, warning her that she needed to put a stop to whatever Kage had planned. Her judgment of men sucked.
“You can’t talk to me that way,” she muttered. “I don’t have time to goof around with you. There’s stuff in the office that needs to get done before tomorrow morning, and unlike you, I do my best work at night.”
He grinned, a full-on show that she amused him. Jane snorted. How could she forget how stubborn he could be?
“I’m losing this argument, aren’t I?” She leaned her head back on the seat and looked at him. She’d missed his bossy ways.
He grinned at her. “Yeah, you are.”
No way was she ready to explore the feelings Kage created inside of her. She’d already lived through the embarrassment of his rejection when she’d tried to kiss him years ago. He relinquished her to friend-only status. But, despite being friends, going out to grab something to eat with him was the worst idea ever. It would only open the door to her being hurt again.
Kage drove through town, heading toward Corner Pocket. She stared out the window, trying to ignore the close confinement of the car, the heat she felt coming from him, and kicked herself for not fighting harder. She wanted to keep the ugliness in her life from touching anyone she cared about, including Kage.
Her reaction to him proved one thing. She was pathetic.
Kage reached across the space of their seats and squeezed her hand. “Everything is going to be okay.”
She whipped her gaze toward him. Her head pounded. “What did you say?” she whispered. It dawned on her what going out to dinner meant. “That dumbass. Garrett told you, didn’t he?”
“Yeah.” He glanced at her. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
She turned away, pain slashing through her. The last thing she’d wanted was anyone knowing what she’d lived through with Scott. Now Garrett and all the others knew how weak she’d become. Why would anyone want her after she let Scott use her as a punching bag?
“Please, can you take me home?” she whispered, struggling to hold back the tears.
His thumb caressed the back of her hand, and she became aware that she’d never let go of him and was in fact squeezing his fingers tight. The last time she latched on to someone, she’d lost four years of her life. It wasn’t going to happen again.
She let go.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
She nodded but spoke the truth. “No.”
Chapter Two
Jane was upset that Kage refused to take her home. Instead, he placed his hand over hers and continued driving to Corner Pocket, a local bar run by her friend Charlene.
She only wanted Kage to leave her alone until she could figure out how to handle the threat of Scott coming after her. She’d already created enough problems in her life. Involving more people would make the situation worse. Scott was unpredictable and dangerous. He also had a harsh, unfair attitude toward anyone she knew before him, including Kage.
As Kage pulled into the parking lot, Jane sank farther down in the seat. Garrett, Lance, and Tony’s cars were parked right under the flashing neon sign. “Just great,” she muttered.
It was unfair of him to bring her here when the bar was full of people. If they were alone, she’d try to defend her decision to keep the guys out of her business. She knew them too well to think they’d step down and let her handle Scott on her own. Because they were going to Corner Pocket, there was a good chance she’d run into others she knew, and they’d ask why she returned or about her failed relationship with Scott.
Most of her friends had warned her to take her relationship with Scott slower, but she’d refused to listen. She truly thought at the time she was falling in love. Scott talked a good game and promised her the world. Stupidly, she’d believed him.
Kage led her into the bar and straight to pool table 3 without saying a word. She held her chin high, refusing to cower. Her mistakes were her own, and she’d take responsibility for them.
Garrett stood in front of her, wearing a dark blue Henley, blue jeans, and black boots. His brown hair was swept back from his forehead. He resembled their dad with the worry lines forming between his brows and the stubborn tilt of his chin. Sometimes she found it too painful to look at him, because it brought up the hurt of not being able to see her father as much as she would’ve liked. Time that she’d never get back now that her dad had passed away.
She walked straight up to Garrett, pulled him a few feet away from the others, and glared. “You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”
“I’m not apologizing.” Garrett lifted his mug of beer, drank long, and wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. “I should’ve done something four years ago.”
“I have no one to blame but myself,” she whispered.
“Don’t put that asshole’s abuse on you. You’re a victim, and you did the best you could do under the circumstances. I’m proud of you for coming home.” Garrett’s chin lowered to his chest and he leaned closer. “But letting the agency protect you is something I’m not going to argue with you about. We’ll keep you safe. Kage wants—”
“Hey, Janie. Welcome home,” Tony called.
She lifted her gaze, forcing a smile as all the boys who worked at the garage joined her and Garrett. “Thanks, guys. It’s good to be back.”
She could see the boys’ mouths harden and blinked away the tears blurring her vision. This was exactly why she’d wanted Garrett to keep her secret. She didn’t want them to see how weak she’d become and feel pity for her. Garrett’s friends had always overprotected her growing up, and she hated putting them in the position of helping her get out of the mess she’d created.
Each one of them was scary in his own right. They’d kill or be killed protecting those they loved or were hired to protect. The guys were certified in weaponry and martial arts, and, if pushed into a corner, were street smart enough to kick ass without making a sound.
They were more than best friends, who’d grown up together playing baseball in the summer and hanging out at each other’s houses. They were brothers. They trusted each other with their lives and weren’t afraid to put their loyalty on the line.
When Garrett shifted his focus in college to criminal investigation while obtaining his auto body certifications to join their dad in business, he shared his idea of opening the agency and asked the other guys to join him. No one who knew them was surprised to hear of their plans.
They continued to train with the best to provide investigating services, bo
dyguard duty, and protection for others, standing up for those who didn’t have the power to fight for themselves. She wouldn’t allow them to go head to head with her ex-boyfriend. She couldn’t live with herself if they got hurt because of her.
Despite how qualified the Beaumont Body Shop guys were, they were only four men. Scott had many men at his fingertips to call in to do his dirty work. Men with no loyalty or integrity. Scott’s men would outnumber the Beaumont guys. She’d heard enough of the rumors and witnessed plenty of unspoken looks to understand that Scott thought he was untouchable. He’d kill anyone who got in his way.
That’s why she never told Garrett what she stole from Scott when she ran. If the guys knew she was carrying something Scott wanted, something so big he’d kill everyone to get it back, they’d react drastically. As long as Scott needed her alive, she was saving all their lives.
She took a step toward her brother, but Kage tugged her back to his side, looping his arm around her waist. His hand landed on her hip and stayed. She caught her breath, leaning against him, wanting to leave but knowing she wouldn’t because touching him calmed her soul. Garrett’s eyes went to Kage, and a slow nod passed between the two men. The unspoken conversation confused her, and she didn’t like not knowing what was going on in their heads.
Lance elbowed Tony, and their eyes landed on Kage too. She frowned.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“It’s about time. That’s all I’m saying,” Lance muttered.
Lance leaned against the bar beside Garrett, black T-shirt stretched across his broad chest, black jeans, and black cowboy boots. It wasn’t lost on her that his black goatee matched everything about him. Although Lance attracted a lot of women, he couldn’t compare to Kage’s size and quiet strength. Kage made her feel feminine and protected, yet he gave her strength.
She turned to Kage. “What’s Lance talking about? Time for what?”
Kage shrugged, pulling her tighter against him. His hand low on her back forced her to place her own hand on his hard abdomen to keep her balance, but she didn’t try to pull away. She stayed there because, at the moment, without him acting like an anchor, she might cry over how disconnected she felt from everyone and how long she’d been gone from home. She’d missed out on their lives—and that was the last thing she had wanted to do. Not getting any clues from the others, she looked at Tony for an answer.